Innovative and Scalable Applications – Your Path to Digital Success

Our expertise in custom development solutions creates unique digital opportunities for your business.

We combine deep technical knowledge with a detailed understanding of your needs to develop innovative and scalable applications. With our expertise, we elevate your business to the next level.

We Make the Complex Simple

Many businesses require solutions that precisely address their unique needs and business requirements. With extensive experience in customer-centric solutions driven by our own product development, Precio Fishbone is a leading company in developing solutions on Microsoft 365 and Azure.

Engineering Excellence and Technical Expertise

With a foundation in Microsoft's development platform and our specialized skills, we can create the specific solution that is demanded. Our team is eager to work with the latest technology while also mastering older platforms and tools. In a world where the focus increasingly shifts to client-side and user interfaces, we believe it's still crucial to have deep expertise in databases and backend systems.

Our Approach

We strive to challenge and support our clients in advancing their digital development. We use agile methods and DevOps in our client projects and product development.

Sharing our experiences from successful development projects, as well as insights into what can drive costs, is a given for us. We’re happy to visit you and discuss further.

MVP – Minimum Viable Product

To minimize time and budget investments for our clients, we often work with the MVP development method. This is a successful approach to new system and application development. The idea is to reduce requirements to create a functional application.

MVP allows you to continuously test the application and make decisions based on the results.

Our Project Delivery

We work with two primary delivery models in our projects:

  • Development Projects: Where we deliver applications based on set requirements from you, or where we jointly conduct preliminary studies and requirements work.
  • Agile Teams: Where you, as the client, lead the development and management of an application, and we provide the necessary expertise for the team—a work method that has become increasingly common.

Our offering is based on providing innovative and cost-effective development. However, sometimes the budget may not cover all functionality, or some parts of the application may need to be deprioritized. To further reduce costs, we offer mixed teams with our Swedish resources and our offshore development center.

We also offer management and further development of the applications we build, as well as management of existing applications. Structured and proactive management adds value for you as a client.

Secure Development

We understand the importance of security in our development processes and the current demands for information security. We are certified according to ISO 27001 for information security and work according to OWASP secure development guidelines and Privacy by Design principles, ensuring that systems are designed with privacy as a central focus from the outset.

When working with us, you can be confident in discussing security aspects related to your system or application.

Our Competencies

Precio Fishbone offers a comprehensive range of competencies:

  • Business-Oriented Investigation, Requirements, and Analysis Services
  • Architecture Expertise in Software Development
  • Project Management, Both Administrative and Technical
  • Agile Coaching and DevOps Expertise
  • Specialized Knowledge in Microsoft 365 and Azure