An operational system for the multi-faceted WSP Group
Based on SharePoint, Precio Fishbone developed an extensive operational system for the consulting firm WSP. The objectives of the system for this multi-faceted firm was to facilitate day-to-day work, promote collaboration across organizational boundaries and to facilitate knowledge exchange between assignments and staff.
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- Knowledge hub/
- An operational system for the multi-faceted WSP Group
- Knowledge hub
- /An operational system for the multi-faceted WSP Group

The WSP Group is a global technology and analysis firm that offers consulting services for sustainable societal development. In Sweden alone, WSP has approximately 2,500 employees at more than forty locations, and is active within several different fields of expertise: construction and industry, transport and infrastructure, as well as environment and energy. With breadth and diversity characterizing both the staff and types of assignments, a common operational system was much needed.
A core system for assignment management
Based on SharePoint, Precio Fishbone developed an extensive assignment and project management system. Alongside the business system, this operational system is WSP's core system in which they handle all assignment management with regard to collaboration, document management, budgeting, calculation, reporting, etc.
Unique support for each individual assignment
The foundation of the operational system is a main process for all assignments for which approximately 70 assignment types are identified. There are tools and routines connected to both the main process and assignment types, which provides users with unique support for each assignment.
Consists of three parts
The operational system consists of three parts: the Process site, Improvement site and Work site.
The Process site provides process support where all users can see which templates, tools and routines they are to use for the respective assignment types.
The Improvement site is where users can receive feedback with suggestions for improvements to processes or routines, all so that improvement suggestions are captured in unison.
The Work site is for actual assignment management. Here users create assignments that are automatically linked to the assignment processes for each assignment. The users can see their present location in the process, receive direct instructions about what should be done at each step, which tools they are to use, which checks are to be performed and so forth.
At the Work site, there is support for assignment management regarding budgets, prognoses and resource management with integration with the existing business system (PX from Visma) as well as report management with Microsoft Reporting Services. The operational system also features integration with Chaos Desktop for CAD administration and packaging of documentation in compliance with the demands from the Swedish Transport Administration.